Why Blog

I have never been a writer all my life, neither was I good at it. I did enjoy reading from time to time but it was never something i was really interested in. However, after reading Paul Graham's essay The Need To Read particularly the quote

Writing is not just a way to convey ideas, but also a way to have them.

It changed the way i thought about writing. As a developer accustomed to solving complex problems, I have always relied on writing to methodically think through these problems and to help flesh out the vague solutions in my head. I hadn't realized that the same approach could be applied to the general formulation of ideas as well.

Hence the reason for this blog. I would like to use this blog to not just share my thoughts on topics that i find interesting, such as startups and machine learning, but also as a tool for enhancing my own understanding of these subjects and I hope whoever reading it will get a insight or two as well.